Southwest and Southern Virginia Programs

Recent changes to the Commission’s committee structure mean that the two regional committees have taken on the work of the Special Projects Committee, R&D Committee, and the Agribusiness Committee. All applications that are not education-related or related to a business expansion or community loan are considered by the Southern Virginia Committee or the Southwest Virginia Committee as appropriate.

Applications submitted to the Southern or Southwest Virginia programs should fall into one of the categories the Commission has focused upon as critical for the economic renewal of Southern and Southwest Virginia. Investment categories and funding priorities include:

  • Agribusiness
  • Economic Development
    • Business Development
    • Industrial sites and Infrastructure
    • Tourism

For more information on Economic Development Program objectives please review the TRRC Strategic Plan and the Logic Models for this Program in the Plan.

Application Deadlines:

Southwest Virginia Program:

September 12, 2024 – Please review the FY25 Southwest Virginia Program RFP before beginning an application.  These applications will not be presented until the January 2025 meeting.


Southern Virginia Program:
July 31, 2024 – Please review the FY25 Southern Virginia Program RFP before beginning an application as we are utilizing the Economic Development, Agribusiness, and R&D Broadband applications for this round.  Current available allocations.  

To discuss a potential project with Staff, please use our Pre-application.