Energy Ingenuity Fund

The TRRC Energy Ingenuity Fund’s Guidelines and Request for Proposals (together, “RFP”) are issued to solicit applications through a competitive process to establish grant and loan agreements for high impact economic development projects meeting the following objectives:

  • Deployment of resources to amplify and accelerate investment in energy projects.
  • Collaboration between key partners in energy and economic development.
  • Enhancement and expansion of the region’s energy supply chain.
  • Development of more energy resiliency in Southern and Southwest Virginia.

Funding will be considered for projects within the Southern and Southwest Virginia areas of Virginia’s Tobacco Region, which is detailed on Attachment B – Eligible Counties & Cities for Tobacco Commission Funding on page 16 of this Request for Proposals.

A Pre-Application detailing the proposed project is required and serves as an opportunity for Commission staff to conduct a preliminary assessment of the likelihood of the project’s eligibility for funding, and to provide meaningful feedback to applicants before they prepare a full application package. Candidates will be notified by Commission staff if their pre-application is selected to move on to the full application process. Full applications are evaluated by Commission staff and funding recommendations are put forward to the full Commission for further discussion and approval at its spring, fall and winter meetings.

For more information on TRRC Program objectives please review the TRRC Strategic Plan and the Logic Models for this Program in the Plan.

Please note that a pre-application is required before a project can move forward in the review process.

Application Deadlines:

Energy Ingenuity Fund Program:
July 18, 2024 – Please review the Guidelines & Request for Proposals before beginning an application. Please note that a pre-application is required before a project can move forward in the review process.

Based on the information provided in the pre-application, applicants will be invited to submit a full funding request. Pre-applications invited to move forward to full application will submit by August 15, 2024.


For media inquiries:

Jordan Butler
Public Relations Director & Tobacco Region Opportunity Fund Manager
(804) 894-9652

Questions from partners or potential applicants:

Jerry Silva
Director of Regional Energy Development and Innovation
(804) 325-4363


Energy Ingenuity Fund Guidelines & Request for Proposals


TRRC Strategic Plan

Funding Policies

Grant Agreement