2/16/17 Center of Manufacturing Excellence Welcomes Second Cohort of Students

Developing a Diverse Economy in Southern and Southwest Virginia

SoVA Center of Manufacturing Excellence Welcomes Second Cohort of Students

Recent Graduates Have Found Career Success As a Result of the Program

Richmond, VA – The SoVA Center of Manufacturing Excellence recently welcomed its second group of 8 students into the Industrial Maintenance/Mechatronics program. The hands on training at Southern Virginia Higher Education Center (SVHEC) prepares students for a career in many industries including mechanical,

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2/9/17 Signaltape Nears Commercialization



Developing a Diverse Economy in Southern and Southwest Virginia

Signaltape® Nears Commercialization

Excavation Alert Systems, LLC Hopes to Bring Product to Market in April

Richmond, VA – Excavation Alert Systems, LLC is hoping to bring their innovative buried utility protection system product, Signaltape, to market as early as April of this year. Signaltape is a buried utility protection system designed to alert equipment operators and construction site workers to the presence of buried utilities such as natural gas lines or fiber.

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2/1/17 Commission Meeting


Developing a Diverse Economy in Southern and Southwest Virginia



Commission Approves Liberty University Purchase of The Center for Advanced Engineering and Research in Bedford

Richmond, VA – The Virginia Tobacco Region Revitalization Commission met to discuss a proposal from Liberty University and The Center for Advanced Engineering and Research (CAER) in Bedford County for Liberty to purchase the building for $4.3 million.

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1/20/17 SoVA Vineyard Development and Expansion Project

Developing a Diverse Economy in Southern and Southwest Virginia


SoVA Vineyard Development and Expansion Project Will Support Virginia’s Wine Industry

Applications Currently Being Accepted

Richmond, VA – Virginia’s wine industry is booming, but rapid growth has brought on its share of problems. The number of wineries in Virginia has increased dramatically over the past decade yet vineyard expansion has not kept up with the pace.

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1/12/17 Agricultural Efficiency Initiative Helps Family Farms Stay in Business

Developing a Diverse Economy in Southern and Southwest Virginia


Agricultural Energy Efficiency Initiative Helps Family Farms Stay In Business

31 Farms Implement Cost Saving Energy Efficiency Upgrades

Richmond, VA – Family owned farms are always looking for ways to increase profitability and Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE) is happy to help. In 2010 VCE launched a pilot known as the On-Farm Energy Efficiency Project,

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1/10/17 Commission Meeting

Developing a Diverse Economy in Southern and Southwest Virginia


Commission Approves 27 Funding Requests for Projects in Southwest and Southside Virginia

Richmond, VA – The Virginia Tobacco Region Revitalization Commission met over two days (January 9-10) to give final approval for 27 funding requests as well as a number of extensions for previously awarded projects. The 27 funding requests total more than $11.9 million dollars and will support projects in areas such as workforce training,

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On this day in 1854

This ray is separated from the other rays of the sun by means of finely adjusted instruments placed upon the roof of the huge building, three-quarters of which is used for reservoirs in which the ninth ray is stored. This product is then treated electrically, or rather certain proportions of refined electric vibrations are incorporated with it, and the result is then pumped to the five principal air centers of the planet where, as it is released,

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Test latest newsy post

‘I’d rather not,’ the Cat remarked.

‘Don’t be impertinent,’ said the King, ‘and don’t look at me like that!’ He got behind Alice as he spoke.

‘A cat may look at a king,’ said Alice. ‘I’ve read that in some book, but I don’t remember where.’

‘Well, it must be removed,’ said the King very decidedly, and he called the Queen, who was passing at the moment, ‘My dear!

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This is a test news post

Now, during the past night and forenoon, the Pequod had gradually drifted into a sea, which, by its occasional patches of yellow brit, gave unusual tokens of the vicinity of Right Whales, a species of the Leviathan that but few supposed to be at this particular time lurking anywhere near. And though all hands commonly disdained the capture of those inferior creatures; and though the Pequod was not commissioned to cruise for them at all,

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